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Stop the Coming Civil War

Stop the Coming Civil War

My Savage Truth

Author: Michael Savage
Narrator: Barry Baer

Michael Savage is not a fan of the current administration and its overreach. He believes that our government is causing serious rifts among the American people regarding income, ethnicity, religion and political ideology. In addition, as the government gets bigger and more intrusive, it is stepping on our civil liberties and constitutional rights. On the radio Michael Savage is a sounding board for many Americans and he shares his views nightly with his millions of listeners. In this new book, STOP THE COMING CIVIL WAR, Savage lays out what we must do to take back control of our country peacefully, to liberate America by addressing the critical issues that we all face: the economy which continues to bankrupt the middle class and the future generations at an exponential pace; the state of our military;our culture, which is being attacked by Obama's immigration policies;education as the government takes over the student loan business and tuitions continue to skyrocket;and science and medicine, as Obamacare leaves the old and poor with doctors who won't take them and insurance for the middle class climbing to mind numbing rates and putting the final nail in the economic coffin of our country.From the dominance of our nation by a political/economic elite, to the transformation of our military into a weakened force loyal to the president and not to the people, to the emergence of a government determined to bypass the Constitution, Savage lays out what could happen to our country if the current administration is allowed to continue on this road. Then he presents the Savage Solutions, a strategy we must follow if we're to avoid the consequences of the takeover of our country that is in progress today.

$59.99 Unit Price

ISBN: 9781478931379
SKU#: 31316
Publisher: Hachette Audio
Genre: Political
Duration: 07:47:36
Release Date: Oct. 7, 2014
Language: English