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Power Nap

Power Nap

Nap Machine

Author: Jonathan Husni
Narrator: Jonathan Husni

Welcome to the scientifically-sound deep sleep of PowerNap. Sleep research shows that the natural sleep rhythm is three hours. Wake up after 180 uninterrupted minutes of rest, and you can function effectively. But who has three hours for a nap every day? The rich, retired and unemployed! You can only achieve the first two by avoiding the third. Getting caught asleep on the job or routinely being unable to perform at your best are good ways to get fired. In just one-third of your lunch hour, PowerNap can help you be alert and effective for far more of your waking hours. When you sleep under normal circumstances, your brain cycles through several different stages of Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta, and Gamma sleep waves. You drift from one stage of sleep to another -- from deep sleep to dreaming to wakefulness and so on. These waves are inaudible to the human ear. Through advanced mastering technology, PowerNap piggybacks the sleep waves on audible "carrier waves" within the audible range. The result: you get the effect of the natural waves so you can sleep! Listen to the PowerNap NapMachine through headphones. Your brain has no sensory input other than the carrier waves playing through your ears. When you hear more than 60 seconds of a certain frequency, your brain modulates to match it. Listening to the PowerNap NapMachine through stereo headphones for 20 minutes guides your brain through a pattern of deep sleep that would otherwise require three hours! What happens when you listen? You will hear pleasing waterfall-like sounds for the duration of the PowerNap NapMachine. During the first 5 minutes or so, your brain adjusts to the sounds coming through the headphones. For the next 10 minutes, the PowerNap NapMachine cycles you between deep and REM sleep periods, finally bringing your mind to a state of heightened wakefulness at the end of the NapMachine. Then the waterfall-like sounds stop. You awaken spontaneously, feeling refreshed -- as though you've had a long nap. Who can benefit? *Anyone who works long hours and needs a break to re-focus. *Students with rigorous schedules or preparing for exams. *Busy mothers with young children. *Overly ambitious persons who are looking for a few more hours in a day. *Individuals who are in professions where their shifts change. *People who travel between time zones. *Physicians with a rigorous call schedule. *Anyone needing a little extra lift from time to time.

$44.99 Unit Price

ISBN: 9781598958171
SKU#: 1053
Publisher: PowerNap
Duration: 00:44:53
Release Date: Jan. 8, 2007
Language: English