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I Love Books!

Ages 5+

Kids will explore the joy of reading alone and together, borrowing books from the library, donating books to others, and more about being a book lover with this WhaZoodle!

Explore Content Included:

What's a Bookworm?
The librarian calls Madeline a bookworm, but she doesn't know what that means. She asks her brothers, but they don't have the right answers. Luckily Mom can answer her question!

I Have a Book
Cuddle up with a book! The joy of reading is even better when done together!

Balancing the Books
Emma has an insatiable desire for books and keeps doubling her weekly number taken out of the library. Finally she realizes she must come up with a new solution.

Reading at the Library
Juan Toucan and Bebo Bear visit the New York City public library. The librarian helps the friends find the right books.

Sharing Books
Tex and Indi's class goes to the library and checks out books.

Brandon's Big Idea
This is the true story of how Brandon Keefe made a difference. When Brandon was eight years old, he and his mother started a program called BookEnds. The program contributes donated books to places such as schools, shelters, and hospitals, where children need them.

Library in a Box
Mateo is inspired to build a little free library for kids. His sister, at first skeptical his idea will work, feels bad for him and makes sure it does.

Henry's Books
After visiting a homeless shelter and meeting a boy named Henry who loves to read, Nakeesha decides to hold a book drive to collect books for Henry and the shelter.

Recess Content Included:

Funny Nature Jokes 1
Five funny nature themed jokes for kids!

Hop Diddy Bop
Listen to this catchy jingle inspired by an original poem written by a Highlights reader!

Would You Rather Episode 2
Let's play a game of Would You Rather! We've got some silly questions to make you think and laugh.

Hulahoop to da Loop
A fun loop song that encourages kids to dance, move their body, and hulahoop!

Playaway Aerobics: Freeze!
Are you ready to move and groove? Dancing helps you stay active and healthy! Dance to the beat, but FREEZE when you hear the special freeze sound!

I Spy 8
Let's play I Spy & I Hear! Try to find these 5 unique items!

I Love Fun
An echo song that uses examples of how things are made to bask in the joys of having fun. Noodle Loaf songs are built to help children develop pitch matching skills, vocal confidence and rhythmic awareness.

Funny Animal Jokes 1
Five funny animal themed jokes for kids!

What's That Sound? Episode 1
Welcome to "What's that Sound?", the game show where we play a sound and you try to guess what it is! Got it? Great! Let's Play!

Yoga for Strength: Jungle Adventure
When do you feel strong? Would you like to harness your strength and grow it? Yoga is one way to make our bodies and minds even stronger. Today’s practice is going to help build our muscles! Kathryn, our yoga guide, is going to take us on a safari adventure, deep into the jungle, where we are going to meet a bunch of different animals.

Relax Content Included:

Small and Simple
Short beautiful lullaby.

Cora Coralina: Delicious Poetry with Cora Coralina
Once upon a time, there was a young girl in Brazil who imagined being a poet for years and years—and learned that it’s never too late to follow your dreams. This story is narrated by Vivi Kulig.

Playaway Meditations - Wind Down
Sit or lay down and relax while listening to a custom, guided meditation from Playaway!

Walking with Giants
Bask in the sounds of the forest, under the tallest trees in the world!


$99.99 Unit Price

Add charging brick for $12.99/unit
ISBN: 9798822687189
SKU#: WZ000093
Release Date: Sept. 15, 2024
Warning: Choking Hazard
Small parts. Not for children under 3 years.