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Falling Felines and Fundamental Physics

Falling Felines and Fundamental Physics

Author: Gregory J. Gbur
Narrator: David Stifel

How do cats land on their feet? Discover how this question stumped brilliant minds and how its answer helped solve other seemingly impossible puzzles. The question of how falling cats land on their feet has intrigued humans since at least the middle of the nineteenth century. In this playful and eye-opening history, physicist and cat parent Gregory Gbur explores how attempts to understand the cat-righting reflex have provided crucial insights into puzzles in mathematics, geophysics, neuroscience, and human space exploration. The result is an engaging tumble through physics, physiology, photography, and robotics to uncover, through scientific debate, the secret of the acrobatic performance known as cat-turning, the cat flip, and the cat twist. Listeners learn the solution, but also discover that the finer details still inspire heated arguments. As with other cat behavior, the more we investigate, the more surprises we discover.

$64.99 Unit Price

ISBN: 9781094170619
SKU#: 40321
Publisher: Blackstone Audio
Genre: Science
Duration: 09:18:06
Release Date: April 21, 2020
Language: English