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El arte de dirigir (The Art of Leading)

El arte de dirigir (The Art of Leading)

Author: Mario Borghino
Narrator: Mario Borghino

Admirable conferenciante y conocedor profundo del mundo de los negocios y las empresas, Mario Borghino ha confeccionado este MBook3 excepcional sobre alta dirección. Cuando parezca que ya todo estaba dicho sobre el tema, se presenta este experto para descubrirnos con perfecta nitidez el doble campo en que trabaja y se desarrolla un auténtico líder: el interior y el exterior. Solo de este modo es posible dominar el complejo arte de dirigir. Renowned public speaker and successful businessman and entrepreneur, Mario Borghino has recorded this exceptional audio book about high-level business. When it seams as if everything has been said on the topic, an expert appears to unveil with perfect clarity the double field where a leader works and develops himself: the inside and the outside. Just by following his examples is it possible to master the art of leading.

$64.99 Unit Price

ISBN: 9781616578374
SKU#: 12475
Publisher: Librofonix
Duration: 5:35:10
Release Date: June 1, 2010
Language: Spanish