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Ce que le jour doit à la nuit

Ce que le jour doit à la nuit

What The Day Owes To The Night

Author: Yasmina Khadra
Narrator: André Pauwels

Alors que Younes a neuf ans, il est confié à son oncle, un pharmacien parfaitement intégré à la communauté pied-noir d'une petite ville de l'Oranais. Rebaptisé Jonas, il grandit parmi les jeunes colons dont il devient inséparable. La révolte algérienne sera, pour lui, fratricide. Yasmina Khadra éclaire d'un nouveau jour ce conflit de deux peuples amoureux d'un même pays. La voix d'André Pauwels traverse le temps pour faire revivre une Algérie écartelée. As a young man Younes' life is irrevocably changed when he leaves his broken home for the vibrant, colourful and affluent European district of Río Salado. Renamed Jonas, he begins a new life and forges a unique friendship with a group of boys, an enduring bond that nothing – not even the Algerian Revolt – will shake.Yet with the return to Río Salado of Emilie – a beautiful, beguiling young girl who captures the hearts of all who see her – an epic love story is set in motion that will challenge the complicity of these four boys and force Jonas to confront the burden of having to choose between two worlds: Algerian or European; loyalty or selfishness; past or present; surrendering to fate or grasping control of his own destiny. In What The Day Owes The Night, Yasmina Khadra has written a majestic novel of colonial Algeria, a turbulent, passionate, heart-rending country. Set against the war of independence and a harsh yet mystic landscape, Khadra’s dazzling prose and consummate compassion illuminate the terrible rift between lovers, family and friends who love the same country. André Pauwels's voice goes back in time to relive Algeria's turbulent past.

$69.99 Unit Price

ISBN: 9781616573324
SKU#: 13430
Publisher: Audiolib
Duration: 11:54:37
Release Date: Nov. 1, 2010
Language: French