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Business Etiquette - China

Business Etiquette - China

Author: Florian Loloum
Narrators: Lorelei King, Trevor White

We live and work in a global environment and knowing how to behave with courtesy in other countries allows us to make a great impression and maximise our potential. This "quick fix" guide will give you the inside information on how to do business and cope with business socialising in China. This guide will help to explain the Chinese philosophy of doing business and why it is so important to respect their attitudes to "face" and "networking" ("guanxi"). The Lowdown: Business Etiquette - China guide will give you practical tips on how to navigate your way through a business trip to China, and on how to behave and how NOT to behave in both business and business socialising situations to ensure that you maximise your time in China or in dealing with your Chinese business colleagues, thus making you a greater asset to your company and your profession.

$39.99 Unit Price

ISBN: 9781615747788
SKU#: 5510
Publisher: Creative Content
Genre: Business
Duration: 00:48:24
Release Date: Sept. 1, 2009
Language: English