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Antes De Ser Libres (Before We Were Free) (Large Print)

Antes De Ser Libres (Before We Were Free) (Large Print)

Authors: Julia Alvarez, Liliana Valenzuela
Narrator: Maria Siccardi
Stock Status: In Stock

Anita de la Torre nunca cuestionó su libertad viviendo en la República Dominicana. Pero al cumplir doce años de edad en 1960, la mayoría de sus familiares han emigrado a Estados Unidos, su tío Toni ha desaparecido sin dejar rastro y la policía secreta del gobierno aterroriza a su familia restante dada su presunta oposición a la dictadura de Trujillo. Utilizando la fuerza y el valor de su familia, Anita debe vencer sus miedos y volar hacia la libertad, dejando atrás todo lo que alguna vez había conocido. De la renombrada autora Julia Alvarez llega una historia inolvidable sobre la adolescencia, la perseverancia y la lucha de una niña por su libertad. From award-winning author Julia Alvarez comes the story of Anita de la Torre, a 12-year-old girl living in the Dominican Republic in 1960. Most of her relatives have immigrated to the United States, her Tío Toni has disappeared, Papi has been getting mysterious phone calls about butterflies and someone named Mr. Smith, and the secret police have started terrorizing her family for their suspected opposition to the country’s dictator. While Anita deals with a frightening series of events, she also struggles with her adolescence and her own personal flight to be free. Using the strength and courage of her family, Anita must overcome her fears and fly to freedom, leaving behind everything she had ever known. From renowned author Julia Alvarez comes an unforgettable story about adolescence, perseverance, and a girl's fight for her freedom.

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ISBN: 9798822682801
SKU#: WB001425
Audio Publisher: Penguin Random House
Audience: Young Adult
Genre: Social Issues
Release Date: May 1, 2024
Language: Spanish
Binding: Hardcover
Segment: Large Print