Arthur Miller's classic play about the witch-hunts and trials in 17th century Salem is a searing portrait of a community engulfed by hysteria. In the rigid theocracy of Salem, rumors that women are practicing witchcraft galvanize the town's most basic fears and suspicions. The ruthlessness of the prosecutors and the eagerness of neighbor to testify against neighbor brilliantly illuminate the destructive power of socially sanctioned violence. Written in 1952, The Crucible famously mirrors the anticommunist hysteria that held the United States in its grip. L.A. Theatre Works, founded in 1974, produces the world's finest audio theatre. Our catalogue features the largest collection of classic and contemporary plays, recorded in state-of-the-art sound quality, starring today's most popular and acclaimed actors. To receive a free catalogue from L.A. Theatre Works e-mail: [email protected] or visit: DIRECTED BY MARTIN JENKINS STARRING (IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER) * Mercy IRENE ARRANGA * Deputy Gov. Danforth RENE AUBERJONOIS * Thomas Putnam ED BEGLEY, JR * Rebecca Nurse GEORGIA BROWN * Herrick JACK COLEMAN * Ezekial Cheever BUD CORT * Reverend Hale RICHARD DREYFUSS * Tituba JUDYANN ELDER * Giles Corey HECTOR ELIZONDO * Elizabeth Proctor FIONNULA FLANAGAN * Susanna ANN HEARN * Mary Warren CAROL KANE * John Proctor STACY KEACH * Betty ANNA SOPHIE LOEWENBERG * Ann Putnam MARIAN MERCER * Judge Hawthorne FRANKLYN SEALES * Abigail MADOLYN SMITH * Francis Nurse JOE SPANO * Reverend Parris MICHAEL YORK