This program is read by the authors. In 2006, the documentary An Inconvenient Truth set off a heated political debate when it threatened that inaction on climate change would lead to a dark and frightening future by 2016. Well, that ten year window has closed—and we have neither resolved the threats to our climate, nor gone past the point of no return. To Mayor Bloomberg and Carl Pope, it's clear that to treat climate change as either a lost cause or a non-issue is the wrong approach. Global leaders are stymied by the enormity of the doom-and-gloom scenarios. So what happens when you tell leaders that they can definitely—right now, this year—reduce the number of children who have asthma attacks, save thousands of Americans from dying of respiratory disease, cut energy bills, increase the security of our energy supply, make it easier for everyone to get around town, increase the number of jobs in their community—all while increasing the long-term stability of the global climate? That is actionable. That future is within our grasp. The changing climate should be seen as a series of discreet, manageable problems that should be attacked from all angles, each with a solution that can make our society healthier and our economy stronger. It’s time for a new type of conversation about climate change, one that mayors, business leaders, and citizens have already begun to lead. By lowering the temperature of the debate, we can raise the bar for what we can accomplish. Cooler heads can produce a cooler world. Micheal Bloomberg and Carl Pope have come together to bring their vision to the leaders of the world. They don’t agree on every point—what Californian and New Yorker do?—but they share a strong sense of responsibility for taking on this fight, and a deep sense of optimism that we can win it.